Amistad Vitoria  24 ago 2020

Activities in English

Tired of just learning English and not being able to speak. Is your English more of a thing of the past that needs a serious refreshment? Do you want to meet people and speak in English no matter what your level is?. Want to enjoy Vitoria and the rest of the world in English? Here, you have a chance. It is free and a way to revisit places and experiences you already know while opening the gate to new ones.

The idea is just to have fun using what you already know. This is not a grammar learning space in any way or shape

📄 34
📊 3398

Isabel Can we meet outside the civic centre? If you prefer anyway nearby I don-t mind.
Isabel Can we meet outside the civic centre? If you prefer anyway nearby I don-t mind.
walker Sorry . Got a call from work. What about 19.15? At the main entrance of the Civic Center
walker Just arrived in Salburua
walker Hope we meet here
walker Well finally Isabel and myself along with her husband and little dog have a short little walk and ended up sharing some beers and having a nive chat
walker We decided to create a whatsapp group in order to have quicker and more effective communication
walker If you are interested jus let me know by messaging on private or using the private chat. Looking forward to meeting you
walker good dreams guys
ixone hi i need improve my english but my level is low
Begoña Ixone I also have a low level of english. If you want we can to practice with me. We can prepare a -tema- and we can speak about this. Good afternoon.
walker Hi Begoña. With Ixone we got the maximum number of 10. I there is any opening I will let you know
Javi Oh, what a pity!! Is there a list or something for people who are out of that maximum. I mean, maybe in some meetings you`re less than 10... ;-)
walker Hi Javi, you are right. But one idea is just to keep the real meetings below that maximun level