
English meeting

Susana   Susana, 36 TOP

Regístrate o inicia sesión para apuntarte

Plazas libres

📅 fecha 11 ene 2024

🕐 comienza 19:30 - finaliza 21:00

🪇 Hombres y mujeres de 18 a 98 años

Top organizador   📈 529


🗺  ¿Dónde se hace?

O-Connor-s Irish Pub, Calle El Prado, Vitoria-Gasteiz

🌃  Punto de encuentro


🔤  Información

Do you speak English and you would like to practice it? COME every Thursday to O´Connors at 19:30 to talk, have some fun and meet new people :)

*** The pintxo is FREE, say that you are with the English group when ordering your drink*** We meet downstairs :))

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